Hine Cognac

Founded in 1763, Hine is armed with 260 years of attention to detail from generations of dedicated craftsmen and women who have kept a keen eye on ensuring the longevity of this independent and family-owned cognac house.

Hine Cognac is available via Berry Bros. & Rudd Brands in the UK and internationally.


British Heritage

Their British founder, Thomas Hine, chose the emblematic stag for the emblem of this iconic cognac house as a nod to his home of Dorset. Those British roots have remained essential to Hine, who are the sole cognac to have received a Royal Warrant that they have held since 1962. They also continue with the very special practise of double maturation, ageing some of their most precious cognacs in the UK.

The Liquid

Working with the Premier Crus of Grande Champagne and Petite Champagne and distilling with the lees to concentrate the aromas of their white wines tenfold are at the core of Hine’s identity. Using only lightly toasted fine-grained wood barrels to preserve the cognac’s authentic personality.

At Hine, And Nowhere Else

Hine has always been acclaimed by connoisseurs and sommeliers for being the specialist of single vintage cognacs. In its vintage cellar in Jarnac, Hine preserves an unparalleled collection of demi-johns, some dating back to the 1850s. Each is a liquid snapshot of a particular year, echoing the elaboration of fine wines and champagne. It takes years of optimum natural conditions to make each remarkable expression.

Hine Family of Delicate Cognacs

This incredible range includes H by Hine VSOP, Rare, Cigar Reserve, Antique XO, the Single Estate Domaines Hine Bonneuil cognacs, Talent, Jarnac-matured vintage cognacs and Early-Landed vintage cognacs, a rare specialty of the House of Hine.

Maison Hine

Set on the banks of the river Charente is Jarnac, where in 1763 the Hine adventure began. Two and a half centuries after Thomas Hine’s founding journey from Dorset, the historic cellars of Hine can still be found at 16 quai de l’Orangerie. This beautiful Maison is still the heart of Hine, and home to their incredible Paradis and Chai des Millésimes cellars, which house the singularities of the Hine House.

The Heart of Hine

It takes heart to make cognac. Hine cognac is produced using a traditional double distillation method. It is after the second distillation, once the “heads” (the initial litres containing fleeting aromas) have been diverted, that the clear eau-de-vie known as the “heart” is in turn cut and kept aside, ready to reveal its aromas once placed in oak casks. In the cellar, oak is king. The eaux-de-vie age and develop their colour and complexity in French oak casks. Careful selection of the wood is crucial to avoid the floral flavours being masked by overbearing woody tones.